Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The End of Burmese Dreams

The Burmese Dreams show came down last week. Big thanks to those who bought photos and donated money to the U.S. Campaign for Burma. I wrote an essay about hanging the show on the day Cyclone Nargis hit - guess what I called it? (That's right. "The Burmese Dreams Series.") I read it at the reading series Four Stories - you can hear an MP3 of the reading here.

Monday, August 11, 2008

My Summer Garden

Obsessive gardening + obsession with macro lens =

Monday, August 4, 2008

The Imboden Factor

Connie Imboden had me doing two things I haven't done in a while. One: shooting in reflections.

Also: macro abstracts.

When I first got my bells&whistles camera I took a lot of arty abstracts. I took them because I didn't know how to use my camera. Ooh, look! It looks COOL blurry! Guess what it is? It doesn't MATTER what it is! It's all about form!

Recognizing the limitations in this, I swung way to the other side and spent my time on Semester at Sea trying to take a nice, solid, "good" photograph.

Glad to be back.